*국내학술대회건 제외
- Shin Kim; Yegi Lee; Kyoungro Yoon. Versatile Video Coding based Coding Tree Unit Level Image Compression with Dual Quantization Parameters for Hybrid Vision.
Date of Publication: 29 March 2023. Publisher: IEEE. Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536. - Yegi Lee; Shin Kim; Kyoungro Yoon. Class Abstraction and Upcasting for Self-evolving Digital Twin System.
Date of Conference: 05-08 February 2023/Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 10 March 2023. Publisher: IEEE. ISBN:979-8-3503-2021-3. ISSN: 2767-7699 - 김신, 이예지, 윤경로, 추현곤, 임한신, 서정일.(2022).인공지능 기반 멀티태스크를 위한 비디오 코덱의 성능 평가 방법. 방송공학회논문지,27(3),273-282.
- Kim, S., Lee, Y., Lim, H., Choo, H. G., Seo, J., & Yoon, K. (2022, April). Compression of thermal images for machine vision based on objectness measure. In International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT) 2022 (Vol. 12177, pp. 673-677). SPIE.
- Kim, Shin, and Kyoungro Yoon. “Deep and Lightweight Neural Network for Histopathological Image Classification.” Journal of Mobile Multimedia (2022): 1913-1930.
- Na, Seongwon, et al. “Development and validation of an ensemble artificial intelligence model for comprehensive imaging quality check to classify body parts and contrast enhancement.” BMC Medical Imaging 22.1 (2022): 1-13.
- “3D human skeleton keypoint detection using RGB and depth image”, Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2021, 70-9, 1354-1361, SCOPUS.
- “Automatic attendance check system through multiple face recognition”, Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2021, 70-9, 1362-1371, SCOPUS.
- “News Article Based Industry Risk Index Prediction for Industry-Specific Evaluation”, JOURNAL OF WEB ENGINEERING, 2021, 20-3, 795-816, SCIE.
- “RGB와 IR 영상의 압축률에 따른 객체 탐지 신경망 성능 분석”, 방송공학회 논문지, 2021, 26-2, 155-166, 연구재단 등재지.
- “Conditional Activation GAN: Improved Auxiliary Classifier GAN”, IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8, 216729-216740, SCIE.
- “Deep learning based disparity map estimation using stereo vision for UAV”, Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers,2020, 69-5, 723-728, SCOPUS.
- “Classification of Histopathological Images of Canine Mammary Tumors Based on Deep Neural Network”, BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY, 2020, 126-Special SI, 18-19, SCI.
- “스마트 시티를 위한 멀티미디어 IoT 기반 지능적 응급상황 알람 시스템”, 반도체디스플레이기술학회지, 2019, 18-3, 122-126, 연구재단 등재지.
- “Korean Traditional Music Genre Classification Using Sample and MIDI Phrases”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems , 2018, 12-4, 1869-1886, SCIE.
- “소리 파형을 이용한 다수 동영상간 시간축 동기화 기법”, 방송공학회 논문지, 2018, 23-2, 197-205, 연구재단 등재지.
- “Automatic melody extraction algorithm using a convolutional neural network”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems , 2017, 11-12, 6038-6053, SCIE.
- “An efficient spatio-temporal index for spatio-temporal query in wireless sensor networks”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems , 2017, 11-10, 4888-4908, SCIE.
- “Industry evaluation analysis system for enhanced industry analysis information”, Information (Japan), International Information Institute Ltd. No. 509 Fujimi-Cho 6-64-3 Tachikawa City, 2017, 20-4, 2537-2542, SCOPUS.
- “Media relation based automatic content generation method on social P2P network”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2016, 90-1, 201-207, SCOPUS.
- “디지털 사이니지의 광고효과 측정을 위한 평균 필터 추적 기반 유동인구 수 측정 시스템”, 방송공학회 논문지, 2016, 21-4, 493-505, 연구재단 등재지
- “A continuous playing scheme on RESTful web service”, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 2016, 19-1, 379-387, SCIE.
- “Performance evaluation of large-scale object recognition system using bag-of-visual words model”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 74-7, 2499-2517, SCIE.
- “무인 항공기 촬영 동영상을 위한 실시간 안정화 기법”, 반도체디스플레이기술학회지, 2014, 13-1, 27-33, 연구재단 등재지.
- “반응형 원격 사용자 인터페이스를 위한 사용자 정보 및 상황 정보 표준화 동향”, 반도체디스플레이기술학회지, 2014,
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- “Multimedia information retrieval Grid system for TV-Anytime based on metadata services”, International Information Institute, 2013, 16-9 B, 6972-6992, SCOPUS.
- “End-to-end framework for 4-D broadcasting based on MPEG-V standard”, SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION, 2013, 28, 127-135, SCI
- “JPSearch: New international standard providing interoperable framework for image search and sharing”, SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION, 2012, 27-7, 709-721, SCI.
- “Music Recommendation System Using Emotion Triggering Low-level Features”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, 2012, 58, 612-618, SCI.
- “Ubiquitous air quality monitoring system with service oriented architecture middleware”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2012, 7-6, 193-201, SCOPUS.
- “Scalable advertising framework for multi-screen service”, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2012, 7-2, 479-484, SCOPUS.
- “스마트 TV 환경에서 응용 가능한 멀티미디어 정보 검색 기술”, Telecommunications Review, 2012, 22-2, 228-243, 연구재단 등재지.
- “N-스크린 서비스를 위한 적응형 애플리케이션 프레임워크 기술”, Telecommunications Review, 2012, 22-2, 210-227, 연구재단 등재지.
- “모바일 시각 검색 시스템의 성능 향상을 위하여 개선된 Speeded Up Robust Features(SURF) 알고리듬”, 방송공학회 논문지, 2012, 17-2, 388-399, 연구재단 등재지.
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- “Real-time adaptive advertising 1 framework based on MPEG-21 for multi-screen IPTV environment”, Digest of Technical Papers – IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2012, 451-452, SCOPUS.
- “Scalable application description language to support IPTV client device independence based on MPEG-21”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2011, 6988 LNCS-PART 2, 361-368, SCOPUS.
- “Scalable application framework to support IPTV client device independence based on MPEG-21”, Digest of Technical Papers – IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2011, 859-860, SCOPUS.
- “홈 네트워크 환경에서의 다양한 디바이스에 동시 적용 가능한 상황인지 기반 Scalable User Interface 기술”, Telecommunications Review, 2010, 20-4, 625-641, 연구재단 등재지.
- “Sub-fingerprint Masking for a Robust Audio Fingerprinting System in a Real-noise Environment for Portable Consumer Devices”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, 2010, 56, 156-160, SCI.
- “Sub-fingerprint masking for a robust audio fingerprinting system in a real-noise environment for portable consumer devices”, Digest of Technical Papers – IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2010, 0-0, 409-410, SCOPUS.
- “자체발성음의 도달지연시간차 기반 상향 실내음향측위시스템 설계”, 한국통신학회논문지, 2010, 35-1, 130-137, 연구재단 등재지.
- “The MPEG Query Format: Unifying Access to Multimedia Retrieval Systems”, IEEE MULTIMEDIA, 2008, 15-4, 82-95, SCI.
- “Feature Transformation based Music Retrieval System”, International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent systems, 2008, 8-3, 192-195, 연구재단 등재지.
- “MIRG: A Multimedia Information Retrieval GRID System”, IEEE, 2008, 433-439, SCI.
- “Feature Transformation based Music Retrieval System”, International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent systems, 2008, 8-3, 192-195, 연구재단 등재지.
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- “AIRS: The Adult Image Rating System”, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2006, SCIE.
- “A Novel Approach in Sports Image Classification”, LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2006, 345, 54-61, SCIE.
- “Hierarchical Adult Image Rating System”, LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2006, 345, 894-899, SCIE.
- “Dectecting Adult Images Using Seven MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors”, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2005, 3597, 336-339, SCIE.
- “Multi Class Adult Image Classification Using Neural Networks”, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 2005, 3501, 222-226, SCIE.
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- “Architecture of End-to-End QoS for VoIP Call Processing in the MPLS Network”, LNCS 3266, 2004, Vol. 3266, 44-53, SCIE.
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